Sitting at the source






Exactly. When the energy is just there – not going anywhere, just pulsating at the original source, just radiating its light there, blossoming like a lotus, neither going out nor going in – it is simply here and now. When I say go inward, I am simply saying don’t go on moving in the head. The whole society forces your energy to move in the head. All education consists of the basic technique of how to pulsate the energy only in the head – how to make you a great mathematician, how to make you a great physician. All the education in the world consists of taking the energy into the head. Zen asks you to come out of the head and go to the basic source – from where the educational system around the world has been taking the energy, putting it into the head, and turning it into thoughts, images, and creating thinking. It has its uses. It is not that Zen is not aware of the uses of energy in the head, but if all the energy is used in the head, you will never become aware of your eternity. You may become a very great thinker and philosopher, but you will never know, as an experience, what life is. You will never know as an experience, what it is to be one with the whole.

When the energy is just at the center, pulsating… When it is not moving anywhere, neither in the head nor in the heart, but it is at the very source from where the heart takes it, the head takes it… pulsating at the very source – that is the very meaning of Zazen.

Zazen means just sitting at the very source, not moving anywhere. A tremendous force arises, a transformation of energy into light and love, into greater life, into compassion, into creativity. It can take many forms, but first you have to learn how to be at the source. Then the source will decide where your potential is. You can relax at the source, and it will take you to your very potential. It does not mean that you have to stop thinking forever, it simply means you should be aware and alert and capable of moving into the source. When you need the head you can move the energy into the head, and when you need to love, you can move the energy into the heart.

But you need not think twenty-four hours. When you are not thinking you have to relax back into your center – that keeps the Zen man constantly content, alert, joyful. A blissfulness surrounds him; it is not an act, it is simply radiation. Zazen is the strategy of Zen. Literally it means just sitting. Sitting where? Sitting at the very source.

And once in a while, if you go on sitting in the source, you can manage all mental activities without any disturbance, you can manage all heart activities without any difficulty. And still, whenever you have time, you need not unnecessarily think, you need not unnecessarily feel, you can just be.

Just being is Zazen.

And if you can just be – only for a few minutes in twenty-four hours – that is enough to keep you alert of your buddhahood.

OSHO: The Zen Manifesto # 11

Experiences with The Book of Secrets: Absorb the senses in your heart

Take one method and play with it for at least 3 days. If it gives you a certain feeling of affinity, if it gives you a certain feeling of well-being, if it gives you a certain feeling that this is for you, then be serious about it.

Osho, The Book of Secrets, Ch 1 

With these words, Osho encourages us to explore the 112 meditation techniques from The Book of Secrets. I’ve talked with people who travelled the path with one of the meditations for a longer period of time.  Here is the ninth story. It is about travelling back to your own heart in the time of the Coronavirus.

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Experiences with The Book of Secrets: Feel “I am”

Take one method and play with it for at least 3 days. If it gives you a certain feeling of affinity, if it gives you a certain feeling of well-being, if it gives you a certain feeling that this is for you, then be serious about it.

Osho, The Book of Secrets, Ch 1

With these words, Osho encourages us to explore the 112 meditation techniques from The Book of Secrets. The blog post below is part of a series of chats with people, who travelled the path with one of the meditations for a longer period of time. The eighth story is about existentially feeling yourself, feeling “I am”.

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OSHO Maha Vipassana 2019:
A letter from Upasana

In my first hours in Vipassana, I felt my shoulders slump – my mind was over flowing with resistance. My beloved and I had had a taste of Rome and Venice and we intended to resume our travels through Florence when we completed the 7 days and I was impatient to continue on our journey. Sitting still after so much motion and novelty seemed such a difficulty.

As I was settling on my cushions I had my first moments of clarity. “There is” I thought to myself “absolutely nothing difficult about sitting and doing nothing for 7 days! – Please stop the complaining!”Continue reading

OSHO Maha Vipassana 2019:
A letter from Sudhir

Osho Miasto

September 2019


In 2014 when my mother died, I felt that best way to celebrate would be to do Vipassana. It took five years, but I got there, with my beloved. And what a Vipassana it was; in fact, still is. It continues to travel with me. Fifteen hours from Sydney to Doha and then another five to Rome – and then, via Venice – Osho Miasto. There is not anything like Osho Miasto in Australia. Nothing so solid, so full of courses, programs and possibilities. I wanted to do this Maha Vipassana with Shunyo and Marco. I know them, love them and trust them. My trust was well placed. Their touch is loving and light.Continue reading

Experiences with The Book of Secrets:
Focus your attention on the third eye

Take one method and play with it for at least 3 days. If it gives you a certain feeling of affinity, if it gives you a certain feeling of well-being, if it gives you a certain feeling that this is for you, then be serious about it.

Osho, The Book of Secrets, Ch 1

With these words, Osho encourages us to explore the 112 meditation techniques from The Book of Secrets. The blog post below is part of a series of chats with people, who travelled the path with one of the meditations for a longer period of time. Here is the seventh story: a musician meditating in the marketplace with a technique given to Pythagoras in ancient times.Continue reading

Experiences with The Book of Secrets:
Visualize light rays rising up your spine

Take one method and play with it for at least 3 days. If it gives you a certain feeling of affinity, if it gives you a certain feeling of well-being, if it gives you a certain feeling that this is for you, then be serious about it.

Osho, The Book of Secrets, Ch 1

With these words, Osho encourages us to explore the 112 meditation techniques from The Book of Secrets. The blog post below is part of a series of chats with people, who travelled the path with one of the meditations for a longer period of time. Here is the sixth story. It is about finding meditation through feeling and imagination.Continue reading

Experiences with The Book of Secrets:
Feel the peace in your heart

Take one method and play with it for at least 3 days. If it gives you a certain feeling of affinity, if it gives you a certain feeling of well-being, if it gives you a certain feeling that this is for you, then be serious about it.

Osho, The Book of Secrets, Ch 1

With these words, Osho encourages us to explore the 112 meditation techniques from The Book of Secrets. The blog post below is part of a series of chats with people, who travelled the path with one of the meditations for a longer period of time. Here is the fifth story. It is about finding peace in your heart.Continue reading